English Orientation Packet

Purgatory Correctional Facility



This orientation packet is a source of important and helpful information for inmates housed at Purgatory Correctional Facility (PCF). Correctional staff are available to answer questions about the material contained in this publication. Inmates entering PCF will be oriented to the rules and regulations of PCF. Inmates will be provided with information to help them understand their rights, privileges, and responsibilities while incarcerated at PCF. Inmates will be given the opportunity to explore and participate in facility programs designed to assist them in successful reintegration into the community and to reduce the negative effects of incarceration.


A money account is set up for each inmate entering the facility. All cash in the inmate’s possession at the time of booking is placed in this inmate money account. Additional funds may be added to an inmate account via the internet (www.jailatm.com), telephone (877-810-0914), or kiosk (PCF lobby). Deposits at the kiosk may be made with cash, credit card, or debit card. Money in the account can be used for commissary purchases, medical expenses, approved mail orders, or to post bail. Cashier’s checks, cash, and credit cards are all accepted for bail (depending on bail requirements). Bail may also be paid via the internet (www.gettingout.com), telephone (866-516-0115). Personal checks are not accepted. Inmates cannot transfer this money to other inmates.


Inmates will be allowed access to barber services at the discretion of the staff. Local area barbers will be available for this service at least once a week. The cost of the haircut ($10.00) will be deducted from the inmates’ cash account. Indigent inmates may receive haircuts but will still be charged, placing their account into a negative balance. Inmates may be eligible for haircuts after 30 days of consecutive incarceration, and every two months thereafter. State inmate haircuts are $2.00, State workers(kitchen and road crew) may receive one haircut every 30 days, all other State inmates may receive one haircut every 90 days. A mustache and/or beard trim is $3.00. Barber services will typically be scheduled on Tuesdays from 1:15 pm to 5:30 pm.


PCF has a five level classification system for inmates. Generally, higher levels receive more privileges (refer to the included matrix). UDC contract inmates will normally retain their State-assigned classification level. Adjustments may be made, if necessary. For all other inmates, a worksheet is completed in order to assign the appropriate classification level to each inmate. Factors on the worksheet include: Current crimes, nature of crimes, prior convictions, past history, and other related factors. This process is completed to ensure safety, security, order, and discipline within the facility. Inmates placed on “administrative segregation” status will generally be allowed the property and privileges of their assigned classification level (unless the items present a threat to legitimate institutional interests, safety, security, and/or order). This administrative status is reviewed weekly. Administrative segregation is non-punitive. Inmates are granted one “Classification Challenge” per year at the inmate’s request. Inmates placed on Lockdown status will lose their classification level privileges. After the lockdown status has ended, the inmate will return to the previous classification level status; unless a review of the classification level resulted in a level change. A classification level review will normally be conducted at the end of the lockdown status; prior to re-housing.


Commissary deliveries are made once a week. Specific items that are available to inmates can be found in the enclosed property matrix. Property and commissary are classification level and Housing specific. Inmates must have money in their account to order commissary. Commissary price lists are subject to change without notice. If changes are made, an updated list will be placed on the tablet. Commissary order forms are available through the tablet or kiosk once a week. Completed orders must be submitted by Sunday night at the beginning of the evening shift. No late forms will be accepted. Only items on the commissary order form may be purchased. Orders that total more than the maximum amount allowed may be rejected in entirety or will be reduced by the commissary officer until the cost is under the limit. Completed orders will be delivered to inmates in their housing units. Commissary schedules are subject to change. In order to receive commissary, the following procedures must be followed:

1.ID cards must be presented to staff upon delivery;

2.Items purchased must be inventoried before leaving the delivery area. Discrepancies must be reported at the time of delivery. Once the order is signed for, all rights to address discrepancies are forfeited;

3.Commissary receipts must be signed by the inmate;

4.Inmates will be subject to a five dollar restocking fee if an order is refused.

Commissary is a privilege, not a right. Under no circumstances will commissary items be used to barter, trade, or gamble.


Communications with judges through request forms and informal channels is discouraged. Legal communications of this nature should go through an attorney or via standard mail in a “Professional” envelope.


Contraband is defined as anything an inmate has in their possession which is not authorized or that poses a threat to the safety, security, management, and/or control of the facility or other individuals. Contraband includes anything modified or altered. Contraband may be divided into two broad categories: Illegal and legal. Both are contraband and not allowed. Where some contraband may be technically “legal” per the law, it still remains contraband within the confines of PCF.

Illegal contraband is any item(s) that would be cause for criminal prosecution as well as disciplinary action for the inmate. This includes illegal weapons, burglary tools, drugs, drug paraphernalia, stolen property, etc.

Legal contraband is any item(s) that would not normally be cause for criminal prosecution but would result in disciplinary action upon the inmate. Examples are items that have been altered from their original condition, unauthorized food items, etc. This also includes property that is allowed in the inmate personal property matrix but is not kept in designated areas.

Contraband is subject to confiscation. Once confiscated, it ceases to be the property of the inmate and may be disposed of. If an inmate has state property, county property, or the property of another individual that is damaged or destroyed, the inmate may be subject to criminal prosecution, disciplinary action and/or restitution.


Requests, grievances, appeals, and other correspondence with jail staff will be via forms on kiosks or tablets. Letters and other unauthorized paperwork will not be accepted.


Outgoing forms, documents, and mail must be placed inside the block mailbox (or given directly to a staff member, if legal mail). Forms, documents, and mail will not be picked up that is not inside the block mailbox.


PCF has an excellent education and programming department that offers a variety of opportunities including educational, self-help, and religious courses and services. A list of courses and religious services are listed under the Programming tab on the tablet. Registration is done by sending a request to Programming on the tablet, and must be approved prior to attending. Additionally, the policy of PCF requires that an inmate’s preferred religion matches the congregational services they wish to attend. A change of religious preference is allowed every 90 days and requires the inmate to put in a request to Programming. Requests for religious materials (i.e. religious books, NOT prayer rugs, religious pendents, etc.) must also be made through Programming.


All PCF staff positions may be filled by either female or male staff.


Good time credit is authorized by Utah Code 76-3-402. This code states, “the custodial authority may in its discretion and upon good behavior of the inmate allow up to 10 days credit against the sentence to be served for every 30 days served or up to two days credit for every 10 days served.” The courts reserve the right to order that no good time credit be given.

It is the practice of Purgatory to calculate good time credit at the time of sentencing. Transport staff will calculate the total possible good time credit that can be granted, review the inmate’s current history and make adjustments to the good time credits if applicable, and adjust the sentence completion date based on the application of good time credit. This is for convenience only and does not constitute actual good time credit earned or given. There is no right to good time credit and Purgatory reserves the right to adjust the potential good time credit based on the inmate’s behavior. All requests for good time credit must be routed to Transport.


The grievance system is the means for resolving inmate complaints related to (but not limited to) policies, procedures, practices, regulations, conditions, and staff conduct. In general, all inmate complaints and issues may be addressed except for complaints against decisions and procedures of the Board of Pardons, courts, punitive actions, classification, or housing decisions. Retaliation against inmates for filing grievances is strictly prohibited. Disputes against disciplinary rulings may be addressed through a disciplinary appeal to the Sheriff. Appeal forms can be found on the tablets and you have five days from the date and time of your hearing to submit an appeal. Inmates are encouraged to resolve their complaints informally if possible at the lowest level, starting with line staff. Matters which cannot be resolved this way, should be addressed in a level one grievance. Level-one grievance forms can be accessed through the kiosk or tablet systems.

Inmates must submit a completed level-one grievance form within seven days of the event in question (after having attempted to resolve the problem informally). A sergeant will normally respond in writing within seven days from the receipt of the grievance. Inmates who wish to appeal the level-one decision must access and submit, the level two grievance within seven days after receiving the level-one decision. This appeal is a level-two final review. Jail administration will normally respond within seven days of receipt of the level-two grievance. There is no administrative appeal to the ruling of the jail administration.

Grievances of an emergency nature such as medical issues, release dates, or other matters in which delay would significantly prejudice the inmate, or expose PCF to liability if not immediately resolved, should be promptly reported to a shift sergeant. The urgency of the request should be identified verbally at the time the grievance is reported.

Inmates requiring assistance in completing the grievance process may enlist the assistance of staff or another inmate. Assistance is also available in Spanish.

The grievance system is not a right. Nothing pertaining to the grievance process is intended to create a liberty interest for inmates. Abuse of the grievance system is a punishable offense.


Inmates will maintain personal cleanliness and acceptable standards of hygiene in order to avoid offensive body odors and the transmission of diseases. A basic hygiene packet (soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, & comb) will be given to each inmate during the admissions process. Additional items may be ordered through Commissary; in accordance with the Personal Property Matrix.


Official head counts will be conducted several times each day. Formal head counts will be administered at 0600, 1200, 1800, and 2230 hours. Inmates must be on their bunk during these official head counts. ID cards must be ready to present. Informal counts will be conducted at other times, including meal times, and will also require inmates to present their ID cards. Interfering with a head count in any way is a major rule violation.


PCF is managed to ensure optimal safety, security, and control of inmates while providing health, recreation, and reasonable comfort conditions. Rules and regulations are intended to regulate and control inmate behavior and foster rehabilitation of sentenced inmates. They are not intended to be an all-inclusive list. Inmates will comply with the housekeeping standards below. Failure to pass minimal standards will result in loss of privileges. Formal bunk and area inspections are held every morning (including weekends and holidays). Inmates shall not be in or on their bunk during formal bunk inspections. Other informal inspections may be held anytime so inmates are encouraged to maintain some minimal level of cleanliness at all times.


Inmates will receive an ID card during the intake process. It is to be kept on their person at all times while in the section. When out of the section, ID cards must be turned in to the control room as they leave. Lost, misplaced, or damaged ID cards will result in a $5.00 replacement fee, paid by the inmate.


Indigent supplies are provided to ensure that inmates are not denied the basic necessities of life, access to courts, counsel, etc. due to a lack of funds. Free post cards and “Legal” envelopes will be provided to write the inmate’s legal counsel. Indigent supplies must be ordered and are distributed through Commissary. An inmate must have a zero cash account balance for the previous fourteen days to be eligible for indigent supplies.


An initial Jail-Issue of clothing and bedding will be given to each inmate during admissions according to the Jail Issue matrix included in this packet. Lost or damaged jail property will be subject to disciplinary action and may be replaced at the inmate’s expense. A laundry schedule is posted on the tablet and will be conducted on a rotating schedule at least three times a week. Laundry staff are not responsible for personal property that is lost or damaged. Questions or concerns should be addressed via request.


Law Library information is available on the tablet.


PCF has a number of books for inmates to read and study. Inmates may request books to check out via request to Programming on the tablet system under the Library Books subcategory. A list of current library books available to check out, will be kept in each section, with the exception of A-Block and F-Block. The printed catalog of books is to remain in the section and will be updated throughout the year.  Book exchange will be permitted at least once every two weeks, but is generally done weekly. Library rules and fine schedule, along with additional Library Book information, are available on the tablet under “Library Rules.”


Each housing unit has a specified “lights out” time. After lights out, inmates shall remain on their bed until the following morning at 0500 hours. Exceptions will be allowed for reasonable use of toilets and sinks.


All incoming and outgoing mail (excluding legal) is opened and searched. Violations include, but are not limited to: Contraband, threats, gang signs or material, codes, third-party, witness tampering, correspondence with other inmates, or correspondence with minors. Inmate-to-inmate mail may be allowed but must be approved in advance. With outgoing mail, all required information on the envelope or post card (return address and recipient’s address) must be complete and no additional information, marks, or drawings are allowed. PCF forms may not be used to write letters on. Incoming mail will be returned to the sender for reasons including, but not limited to: Padded envelopes, stickers, stamps, tape, white out, blank paper, glitter, Polaroid photos, gang-related material, or sexually explicit photos. If a letter is sent to an inmate containing an item that is not within the guidelines, the entire letter will be returned at the inmate’s expense. Inmates will be responsible to educate their friends and family on what is allowed into the facility and what is not. Outgoing mail must be placed inside the block mailbox (or given directly to a staff member, if legal mail). Mail will not be picked up that is not inside the block mailbox.


Meals are served after the scheduled formal head counts: Breakfast at 0600 hours, lunch at 1200 hours, and dinner at 1800 hours. Inmates are required to line-up (in bunk order) and present their ID card at each meal serving. Special diets (including medical or religious diets) may be available and must be requested in writing via a request on the tablet or kiosk system.


All inmates shall be medically assessed upon arrival. Inmates may request to be seen by the facility’s medical staff by submitting an inmate medical request form to Medical. Emergencies should be reported verbally immediately to any staff member in order to receive immediate attention.


The medical co-pay system functions very much like an insurance co-payment in that the inmate is responsible for a certain portion of his or her medical care costs. No inmate will be denied medical care because of an indigent status. Charges for medical care, medications, etc. will be applied toward the balance owed. A negative balance will be carried over and recovered in any subsequent bookings.


Notary services are available for a fee of $5 per service. Requests should be made to Programming and may take up to seven days to be processed.


Legal copies may be obtained through your attorney. Other copies may be obtained by submitting a request. Cost: Twenty-five cents ($0.25) per copy. Inmates must have adequate funds to process requests of this nature.


The Federal Government and the Utah Department of Corrections (including all county jails) strive to maintain the safety and security of offenders. If you or anyone you know has been sexually assaulted or threatened with sexual assault, it should be reported by contacting any officer or staff member, or any other outside official or law enforcement agency. Refer to the tip line information posted in the blocks or dial “9” using the block phones.

If you have been sexually assaulted by anyone or you feel you are being pressured by anyone for money, property, or sexual favors you should immediately contact a correctional officer, or any staff member. It is imperative you contact someone immediately so they can help you.

If you are a victim of sexual assault it is critical that you do not bathe, shower or change your clothes, brush your teeth, or use the restroom (if possible). It is important that evidence be collected in order to assist in your attacker’s prosecution. The officers you contact will immediately ensure your safety. If you have questions, ask a staff member.

If you are the perpetrator of a sexual assault, the following penalties are likely:

  1. New criminal charges and/or loss of parole date;
  2. The danger of contracting HIV/AIDS, or other sexually transmitted diseases;
  3. Lockdown and/or Administrative Segregation;
  4. Loss of jobs, school, and recreation time.


Property privileges are additionally based on each inmate’s ability to maintain a reasonable level of cleanliness and order in their assigned area. Property must fit in the containers provided (bunk drawer and property bag). Extra property will be disposed of unless it can be mailed or released to an outside party within 30 days of acquisition or creation. Individual property lockers cannot be used as alternative storage locations. Extra items may be shipped to friends or family, or donated to the facility. Old or worn property items such as shoes need to be exchanged in order to receive new replacements (do not throw them away).

Any property (including commissary items) left at PCF more than thirty (30) days from the inmate’s date of release will be disposed of. It is the responsibility of the inmate to make arrangements for the item(s) to be picked up or mailed out by requesting and completing a Property Release from. This will be at the expense of the inmate.


Jail issued property, personal property, and privileges are associated with each inmate’s classification level and housing location. The matrices are posted on the tablet or kiosk system packet to ensure that you are within your limits. You are responsible for and will be held accountable for following these rules.


Inmate purchases must be made through the commissary or through other approved vendors. If an item is available through commissary, inmates may not order it through another vendor. Books can be ordered directly from the publisher/distributor and must be brand new. A list of approved items and vendors may be supplied upon request. Mail orders MUST receive prior approval from the Property Unit and must be shipped from a distributor’s warehouse; not a store. Correspondence courses fall under the publisher only rule and must be approved by the Programming Supervisor. Hard-bound books are not allowed. Per the inmate matrix any books received over the allowed amount will be returned to sender.

If a package is sent to an inmate containing an item that is not within the guidelines of the matrix, the entire package will be returned at the inmates expense. Inmates will be responsible to educate their friends and family on what is allowed into the facility and what is not.


Inmates will be provided the opportunity to receive and use a razor twice a week (Sunday and Wednesday evenings after 2100 hours). Razors must be returned at the end of the razor exchange time period. Alterations to a razor or failure to return a razor will result in “possession of a weapon” charges. Upon specific request from the inmate, inmates may be granted the opportunity to shave prior to attending court.


Inmates are allowed access to the recreation yards according to the Privilege Matrix and the yard schedule. Recreation yard access is not a right, it is a privilege provided as conditions permit.


The Inmate Placement Program of the Department of Corrections provides a Case Manager to work with state inmates housed in the jail. The information below will provide some guidance on how they may assist. Case Managers can address a variety of areas and issues including case work, property, parole release, and housing. The Case Managers office is within the confines of the secured portion of the facility. Inmates may not stop by their office uninvited with questions, issues, or concerns. This action could result in a disciplinary write up. The proper means of contacting a Case Manager is by submitting an inmate request. Inmates should be specific as to the reason they want to see a Case Manager. If an inmate feels they have an emergency situation, they may make a verbal request to see a Case Manager through any facility staff member. If issues are later found to be less than an emergency, a disciplinary write up will result.

Programming and/or available housing are generally the primary reason inmates are sent to PCF. Compliance with MAP recommendations is a primary factor looked at by the Board of Pardons. In many cases, what the Board is interested in, is the fact that an inmate has applied to get into the programs and that they are making an ongoing and appropriate effort to get into the programs. Another primary factor reviewed by the Board of Pardons, is an individual’s behavior while incarcerated. The Board expects inmates to comply with facility rules and regulations and to avoid write ups for disciplinary violations.

Individuals who plan to reside outside the state of Utah while on parole, will need to apply for Compact Supervision. This cannot be done until they are 120 days within their release date and a $50 compact fee has been received by the compact office. Inmates will need a sponsor in the receiving state and most states will not accept them unless the sponsor is a family member. The sponsor should be prepared to allow former inmates to live with them initially, and help them transition into the community by helping them find a job.

Generally, state inmates will be a level three or level four in the state system when they arrive at PCF.

Case Managers are responsible to keep the Board of Pardons informed of each inmate’s overall behavior. Case Managers prepare board reports for the Board prior to each scheduled hearing. Inmates should obtain an IPR form to fill out and return to the Case Manager. The Case Manager will then visit with them, go over their information, and prepare the report for the Board.

All inmates that have recently arrived at PCF will be seen by the Case Manager within 30 days. After that, inmates who wish to address OMR will need to submit a request to their Case Manager.

PCF is different in many respects from other facilities. Whether this difference is good or bad is in the eye of the beholder. The facility has a dedicated staff who are willing to assist. At the same time, they will hold you accountable for not following the rules. While housed at PCF, state inmates are subject to the rules and policies of the facility.


Calls are subject to monitoring and will be recorded. Legal calls will be excluded from recording if they have been established as a legal phone number. PCF must be notified by the inmate or attorney in order to have the monitoring/recording feature turned off on legal calls. A one-time free call may be granted to a cell phone number in order to give the cell phone owner the opportunity to make arrangements to receive future calls. Emergency calls may be granted on a case-by-case basis at the request of the inmate to the shift supervisor.


Inmates visitation can be conducted by via the kiosk or tablet system. Inmate visitation is subject to kiosk or tablet availability. Tablet and kiosk availability times may differ depending on the section that the inmate is housed in.



All inmates are encouraged to participate in good personal hygiene practices in addition to the required personal hygiene practices. Inmates may have long hair, beards, and mustaches. However, if a management problem is created as a result of this, PCF may consider such problems in decisions involving the Inmate’s housing assignment, access to programs, job opportunities, and other matters.


  1. Inmates shall read and comply with the rules of PCF. Ignorance of rules shall not be a defense to disciplinary charges.
  2. Inmates shall:
  3. Request clarification from staff on unclear instructions, orders, policies, procedures, rules, regulations, and other requirements of PCF;
  4. Be responsible for being within assigned or authorized areas at all times;
  5. Be present for all formal head counts with ID card ready to present (0600, 1200, 1800, and 2230 hours);
  6. Display skin while sleeping. Officers are required to see skin when taking head counts (formal and informal). Officers will wake up any inmate who is completely covered to facilitate this requirement.
  7. Shall comply with orders or directions given by staff;
  8. Respect the civil and legal rights of all inmates, visitors, and staff;
  9. Be respectful, courteous, and civil to staff, the public, other inmates;
  10. Keep television volume at a low or moderate level;
  11. Perform assigned responsibilities or tasks promptly as directed;
  12. Behave in a responsible manner;
  13. Be dressed in approved clothing, unless otherwise directed by staff:
  14. Inmates shall wear, at a minimum, pants or shorts (not underwear shorts or boxers), a shirt, and footwear while in the inmate’s housing unit. When en route to or from a shower, inmates may be covered with only a towel. However, the towel must completely cover genitals, buttocks, (and breasts for women only);
  15. While sleeping, inmates shall wear, at a minimum, underwear (including a bra or shirt for women). During sleeping hours, inmates may move to and from the toilet and sink as needed. However, inmates must cover underwear with clothing, a towel, or bedding while out of bed.
  16. A PCF-issued uniform shall be worn by every inmate anytime the inmate is outside his/her housing unit (excluding recreation yards) in addition to approved footwear. A PCF-issued coat may be worn outside the facility for exterior workers. Underwear (including a bra for women only) may be worn under the uniform. Thermals, sweats, or any other clothing may not be worn outside the inmate’s housing unit;
  17. While in a recreation yard, inmates shall wear, at a minimum, pants or shorts (not underwear shorts or boxers), a shirt, and footwear. Shirts may not be removed by men or women;
  18. Be responsible for the proper maintenance and care of PCF property and equipment assigned to them;
  19. Be responsible for the replacement of property negligently, deliberately, or maliciously damaged or lost;
  20. Shall surrender all PCF property when released from the facility or when otherwise requested to do so;
  21. Receive their own meals. Inmates are provided notice of meal times. Any inmate who fails to pick up his/her meal tray in a timely manner after meals are made available will forfeit that meal;
  22. Return meal trays to the tray cart after each meal;
  23. Clearly mark all personal items with full name and PCF number;
  24. Maintain their issued clothing in clean and neat condition;
  25. Immediately submit to staff-ordered:
  26. Personal searches;
  27. Cell or area searches;
  28. Property searches;
  29. Confiscation of property;
  30. Be responsible to maintain proper grooming, cleanliness and acceptable personal hygiene, including:
  31. Showering with soap and water at least three times per week (unless access is restricted by staff);
  32. Washing hair at least once each week;
  33. Maintain their PCF-issued ID card and present it when required or requested by staff;
  34. Report lost or stolen ID cards immediately to staff;
  35. Pay a $5.00 replacement fee for lost ID cards, unless it has been established that the card was stolen.
  36. Cleaning, Sanitation, and Tidiness:
  37. A inmate may be excused from engaging in cleaning responsibilities if, in the judgment of jail officials, his/her mental or physical condition makes it otherwise inappropriate to be assigned work duties.
  38. Inmates shall:
  39. Monthly:

(1) Wash walls;

(2) Wash ceilings; as directed;

  1. Weekly:

(1) Scrub individual cell/housing unit floors;

(2) Wash bed frames;

(3) Wash windows and frames;

(4) Wash vents;

(5) Wash light fixtures;

(6) Disinfect toilets (inside and out);

(7) Disinfect sinks (inside and out);

(8) Disinfect showers;

(9) Wash trash cans (inside and out);

  1. Daily:

(1) Make bed in a manner that prevents bedding from hanging over the edge of the bunk so as not to obstruct the view underneath the bed;

(2) Ensure that their cells/bed areas are ready for inspection at all times;

(3) Ensure that all personal & issued property is neatly stored in drawer, tote, and/or property bag;

(4) Clean individual cell or bed area;

(5) Clean desk (if applicable);

(6) Clean mirrors;

(7) Sweep individual cell/housing unit floors;

(8) Wash day room tables and stools;

(9) Wash toilets;

(10) Wash sinks;

(11) Wash showers;

(12) Empty trash;

  1. When and as directed; Wax floors.


  1. Inmates shall not engage in any act or conduct which violates any law of the United States, the State of Utah, or local government.
  2. In addition to the general prohibition against criminal violations, inmates shall not:
  3. Fight (even if by mutual agreement);
  4. Have physical contact with another inmate (consensual or not);
  5. Smoke;
  6. Possess tobacco;
  7. Have any involvement in the setting or maintaining of any fire;
  8. Engage in or incite a riot or jail disturbance;
  9. Be in possession of or use a firearm, explosive weapon, infernal device, or any other weapon;
  10. Make a verbal, physical, or written threat or harassment;
  11. Interfere with staff in the performance of their duties;
  12. Engage in or encourage others to engage in any form of sit-down, work stoppage, or disturbance against PCF for any reason;
  13. Tamper, interfere with, alter, jam, jack, or otherwise damage or destroy a lock, locking device, locking mechanism, security device or door;
  14. Interfere with an investigation, make false statements, or provide false identification;
  15. Use any disguise or mask;
  16. Be in possession of any staff member’s, volunteer’s, or private citizen’s clothing or uniform;
  17. Be in possession of any form of identification other than the inmate’s own PCF-issued identification;
  18. Manipulate a housing assignment by means of violent, threatening, or disruptive behavior;
  19. Encourage participation in any act or conduct which establishes, maintains, or promotes a staff member’s relationship with a inmate or a inmate’s immediate family which compromises a staff member’s professional role;
  20. Create a health, safety, or fire hazard, (i.e., clogging of any sink, shower, drain, toilet, water line, sewage system, or ventilation system);
  21. Interfere with, delay, or fail to attend a head count;
  22. Possess or use any intoxicants or unauthorized drugs, produce a positive urinalysis or breath analysis, or refuse to submit to urinalysis or breath analysis upon request;
  23. Deliberately damage, lose, or destroy PCF property or the property of another;
  24. Be involved in gambling, loan sharking, extortion, bartering, or trading;
  25. Resist control or required movement from staff;
  26. Refuse an order from staff;
  27. Give or offer a bribe, or anything of value, to any staff, volunteer, contractor, or any agent of PCF;
  28. Be in possession of stolen property and/or obtain goods under false pretenses;
  29. Barter, trade, borrow, or be in possession of any unauthorized items including the property of another;
  30. Engage in or encourage others to engage in prohibited sexual activities including homosexual activities and indecent exposure;
  31. Use equipment, the facility, supplies, or other materials for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was intended or without proper authorization;
  32. Be in an area where drugs, intoxicants, or alcohol are being used;
  33. Fail to take medication as prescribed, fail to turn in prescribed medications, or have unauthorized possession of prescribed medications;
  34. Adulterate or alter any food or drink;
  35. Abuse the mail, telephone, visiting, or other privileges;
  36. Store food from meal servings (commissary items are okay);
  37. Enter any cell, section, or area other than that which they are assigned or authorized to;
  38. Climb on, hang from, lean against, place items on, or attach items to rails or fixtures;
  39. Use bedding, towels, or other items as curtains, rugs, or for any purpose other than their intended use;
  40. Litter;
  41. Post any picture, paper, or item on any wall, bed, desk, or surface other than specifically approved posting locations. Approved posting locations are designated for inmate use only in individual cells. Posting locations in housing units are for PCF staff use only;
  42. Become involved with or become a member of any organization, association, movement, group, gang, or combination which has adopted a policy of:
  43. Advocating violence;
  44. Advocating racial or religious discrimination as a political philosophy or objective; or
  45. Threatening the safety, security, management or control of PCF.
  46. Be in possession of coins, paper money, or loose postage stamps;
  47. Enter any control station, work station, office area, or other restricted area;
  48. Enter the kitchen, library, laundry, programming room, or maintenance areas unless specifically authorized to do so
  49. Carry or move any personal property outside of their assigned housing unit;
  50. Use coarse, loud, profane, derogatory, or unnecessarily harsh language;
  51. Make obscene gestures;
  52. Engage in “horseplay” or the playing of pranks (this does not prohibit authorized recreational activities);
  53. Engage in discussions or debates or speak disparagingly about the nationality, race, or beliefs of others to the detriment of safety, security, management, or control of the facility;
  54. Ridicule, mock, deride, taunt, belittle, willfully embarrass, humiliate another;
  55. Do anything that might incite any person to act out violently;
  56. Participate in giving or receiving a tattoo;
  57. Make threatening or harassing phone calls;
  58. Cover or otherwise obstruct line of sight through windows;
  59. Roll clothing while it is worn;
  60. Alter or write on PCF-issued clothing or property;
  61. Alter natural hair color;
  62. Conduct themselves, cause others to conduct themselves, or encourage others to conduct themselves in a manner which may have an adverse effect on the safety, security, management or control of the facility.


  1. The violation codes are organized into four general violation code categories:
  2. VC-1, serious criminal offenses;
  3. VC-2, flagrant or serious misconduct;
  4. VC-3, serious misconduct;
  5. VC-4, rule infractions.
  6. Generally, the categories above are ranked in descending order. However, the circumstances of a given case and/or repeat violations may result in violations being elevated in seriousness.
  7. VC-1 Codes and Definitions:
  8. VC-1 codes:
  9. Are serious criminal violations requiring the strongest sanctions for inmates guilty of such misconduct;
  10. Shall be processed as major disciplinary violations; and
  11. Shall be screened by the Washington County Attorney’s Office for criminal charges, unless exempted by the Chief Deputy.
  12. VC-1-A:

Arson; any involvement in the unauthorized ignition or maintaining of any fire; conspiracy to commit arson.

  1. VC-1-B:

Assault; assault with weapon; conspiracy to commit an assault.

  1. VC-1-C:

Rioting, inciting, encouraging, aiding, or engaging in a riot or a disturbance which threatens the safety, security, order, or discipline of the facility; conspiracy to riot or create a disturbance.

  1. VC-1-D:

Escape; attempted escape; conspiracy to escape; possession of escape tools or materials.

  1. VC-1-E:

Possession or use of a firearm, explosive, infernal device, or any weapon; conspiracy to obtain or use a firearm, explosive, infernal device, or any weapon.

  1. VC-1-F:

Robbery; any taking of property of another through force or intimidation; conspiracy to commit robbery.

  1. VC-1-G:

Sexual assault; threat of sexual assault made verbally, physically, or in writing; conspiracy to commit sexual assault.

  1. VC-1-H:

Taking of a hostage; attempt or conspiracy to take a hostage.

  1. VC-1-I:

Criminal homicide; conspiracy to commit a criminal homicide.

  1. VC-1-J:

Violation of a law of the State of Utah or the United States; conspiracy to violate a law of the State of Utah or the United States.

  1. VC-1-K:

Tampering, interfering with, altering, jamming, jacking, damaging, or destroying a lock, locking device, or security device.

  1. VC-1-L:

Introduction, of any unauthorized medications, drugs, intoxicants, alcohol, “hooch”, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia.

  1. VC-1-P:

Evidence tampering; conspiracy to tamper with evidence.

  1. VC-1-Q:

Inappropriate touching of staff; inappropriate relationship with staff; encouraging or aiding participation in any act or conduct which establishes, maintains, or promotes a member’s relationship with an inmate or an inmate’s immediate family which would violate staff rules/regulations for the inmate’s personal benefit or gain; aiding or encouraging any staff conduct which would likely compromise the staff’s professional role.

1.VC-2 codes:

  1. Are flagrant or serious disciplinary misconduct violations and may involve violations of criminal law and require strong sanctions for inmates guilty of such misconduct;
  2. Shall be processed as major disciplinary violations; and
  3. Should be screened by the Washington County Attorney’s Office for criminal charges, unless exempted by the Chief Deputy.
  4. VC-2-A:

Fighting; threatening conduct; threats not covered under VC-1 above made verbally, physically or in writing.

  1. VC-2-B:

Possession or use of any intoxicants or unauthorized drugs; positive urinalysis, blood sample, or breath analysis; refusal to submit to a test for alcohol or other unauthorized drugs.

  1. VC-2-C:

Deliberate damage, loss or destruction, of the property of another;

  1. VC-2-E:

Loan sharking; extortion.

  1. VC-2-F:

Resisting arrest or required movement; refusing a direct order.

  1. VC-2-G:

Interfering with an investigation; making false statement; providing false identification.

  1. VC-2-H:

Use of any disguise or mask; possession of any correctional staff member’s, volunteer’s or private citizen’s identification, clothing, or any part of any official uniform.

  1. VC-2-I:

Violating a contract, home visit agreement, furlough agreement, or other community release agreement; any unauthorized leave from a community work assignment.

  1. VC-2-K:

The unauthorized use of any vehicle, tool, computer, device, or object.

  1. VC-2-N:

Disorderly or disruptive conduct.

  1. VC-2-O:

Making obscene gestures toward staff; using derogatory language towards staff; taunting any staff member.

  1. VC-2-P:

Engaging in or encouraging others to engage in prohibited sexual activities, homosexual activities, or indecent exposure.

  1. VC-2-Q:

Interfering with, delaying, or failing to attend a head count.

  1. VC-2-S:

Introduction or attempted introduction of contraband into a facility via mail, visiting, telephone, or any other means.

  1. VC-2-T:

Manipulation of conditions of confinement or housing assignment by use of violent behavior, threatening behavior, disruptive behavior, self-mutilation, self-inflicted injury, threats of self-mutilation, threats of self-inflicted injury, or falsely reporting a safety concern for any reason.

  1. VC-2-U:

Participating or conspiring with any security threat group.

  1. VC-2-V:

Giving or offering a bribe or anything of value to a staff member, government authority, or public volunteer. D. VC-2 Codes and Definitions:

  1. VC-3 Codes and Definitions:
  2. VC-3 codes:
  3. Are serious disciplinary violations requiring strong sanctions for inmates guilty of such misconduct;
  4. Should be processed as major disciplinary violations; and
  5. Should be screened by the Washington County Attorney’s Office for criminal charges, unless exempted by the Chief Deputy.
  6. VC-3-A:

Any act not covered in VC-1 or VC-2 codes which threatens the safety, security, order, discipline, or management of the facility, staff, or other persons.

  1. VC-3-B:

Malicious, frivolous, or other intentional misuse or abuse of administrative reviews or the grievance system.

  1. VC-3-C:

Creating a health, safety, or fire hazard; clogging of any sink, shower, drain, toilet, water line, or sewage line; damaging or undermining a ventilation system.

  1. VC-3-D:

Unauthorized profit-making activities; unauthorized sales and purchases; charging for legal assistance.

  1. VC-3-E:

Abuse of mail, visiting, or telephone privileges.

  1. VC-3-F:

Refusing an order to work.

  1. VC-3-G:

Being out of bounds or in any unauthorized place; abuse of passes; unaccountable absence.

  1. VC-3-H:

Conspiracy to commit any rule violation or infraction.

  1. VC-3-I:

Manufacture, possession, or transport of, or other trafficking in contraband.

  1. VC-3-J:

Making obscene gestures, using derogatory language, taunting, intimidating, or using racial or ethnic slurs toward any individual.

  1. VC-3-K:

Possession of pornography or pictures that display frontal nudity, or offensive nudity.

  1. VC-3-L:

Forgery; embezzlement; theft; possession of stolen property; obtaining property under false pretenses.

  1. VC-3-M:

Being in an area where drugs, intoxicants, alcohol, or tobacco are being used.

  1. VC-3-N:

Failure to take medication as prescribed; failure to turn in unused medications.

  1. VC-3-O:

Giving or receiving a piercing, tattoo, brand, or body art; involvement in the receiving of a piercing, tattoo, brand, or body art.

  1. VC-3-P:

Unauthorized use of jail property or the property of another.

  1. VC-3-Q:


  1. VC-4 Codes and Definitions:
  2. VC-4 codes:
  3. Are rule infractions;
  4. May be processed as minor or major disciplinary violations;
  5. Repeat violations should be processed as major violations.
  6. VC-4-A:

Interfering with the duties of another.

  1. VC-4-B:

Engaging in or soliciting unauthorized services or communications.

  1. VC-4-C:

Failure to follow safety, security, or sanitation regulations.

  1. VC-4-D:

Physical contact of another inmate (consensual or not).

  1. VC-4-E:

Violation of any housing unit or facility rule, regulation, or procedure not otherwise listed.